Son of Neckbeard

Sadly, no one's gay for Son of Neckbeard.

I'll take the courageous and unique position of stating that I find Key & Peele very funny.

Trying is the first step toward failure.

TWIST: Hannibal dies of ptomaine poisoning after eating an undercooked Pole.

The many financial institutions, health care providers and family members I owe money remind me of my existence with disturbing regularity.

Dear A.V. Club,

Chill, @wafflicious:disqus . Scooby's the other kind of drug-sniffing dog.

Boomerang can't even decide whether it's duck season.

♫ Shill the Wabbit
Shill the Wabbit

That's like 45 million in Canadian album sales.

No. But I do have one hand in my pocket.

Ians focus-grouped as "too Scottish."

Bouncers of the Star Cluster would work for a sequel AND an Asylum knockoff.

No. Comedy, please.

I'm looking forward to Tucker Carlson coming off even worse than he has every other time he's spoken with or about Jon Stewart.

*Arby's builds special slicer to turn Stewart into sold cuts*

Oh yeah!? Well, the Jerk Store just called, and they said ….

Um, they said you're exactly right.

LaBeouf, the uncouth doof
Acts aloof but just gives proof
That's he's a dick oof


Carry on my Waward Pines
There may be peace when Abbies dine

Frankly, my childhood was asking for it, wearing all those sepia tones.