Son of Neckbeard

By that logic, South Carolina has declared its sovereignty by displaying the battle flag, making it either in treason or separate. The U.S. government would then have no choice but to invade or cut federal ties. Eiter way, treating SC as just another state with odd vexillological predilections makes no sense.

I can't figure this, so y'all help me. The flag flying on the grounds of the South Carolina Capitol is the Battle Flag of the CSA Army of Northern Virginia. So my question comes down to: Doesn't flying that Confederate battle flag in that location constitute an act of war against the government of the United States?

I figure Thomas Jefferson deserves a pass on the Sally Hemmings affair. If you've already gone to the extraordinarily evil lengths of owning a person, you might as well fuck him or her. The first crime and sin counts more than any further violation.

The great thing about acting nonracist and trying to pass as a decent human being is that you succeed in not being racist and actually acting decently.

Obama said "nuyorican"?

The expression on Swift's face up there looks like that may have just happened to her.

The real scandal involves anyone paying anything for Taylor Swift songs.

Congrats to @jeanluc_de_lemur:disqus for proving that an OF COCK can be too big.

What man is not fascinated by at least his own penis, and often several others' penii?

Writing this article was a dick move. Literally.

10 Thing I Hate About Bourne

Never live in DC if you hate getting stuck behind motorcades.

Agents had to Friskees every one of Maron's cats.

*Jesus cosplays Yoda, for cred*

Like Yogi Bear* once said, "No one goes to Comicon anymore. It's too crowded."

*may not be accurate

When the price is right …

Sadly, AME services use grape juice instead of sacramental wine.

Larry Wilmore earned the full value of his Nightly Show contract last night by destroying the Fox News spin attempt to make the attack "on Christians" rather than on blacks.

Women Ghostbusters have built-in box traps.

A man orally pleasuring a woman!? That's ridiculous.