Son of Neckbeard

Will McHale's role be


I'm large and mostly good-natured. Still never gonna watch this abortion of a movie, though.

Stay classy, La Cienega Blvd.

Forget time. Who'll have the budget to pay $6-$15 every month for 100 channels? Sure, traditional cable packages suck (THANKS O'ESPN), but there is no way in hell any unbundled group of channels with equal viewing options will be cheaper.

Sounds more like something Bob dole* would say.

Have you seen the hafu 2015 Miss Universe Japan? Smoking hot, she is.

Eh, the Yahoo! finale posted yesterday was great as sendoff. I'd be satisfied with that.

Settle down, there, Drew Carey.

TV Land:Senior Citizens::Disney:Preteens

Was the removed post about breaking into a chorus of "CIS-ters are doin' it for themselves"?

Hipsters wear black on the outside because black's how they feel on the inside.

33 1/3 RPM would barely keep a bike moving. Hipsters are dumb about physics, apparently.

Organic raunch dressing goes great on baked potatoes.

You asked for your shot? OK.

Shot on location in El Dan's Basement.

Polaroids tacked to bulletin boards at retro A&P grocery stores.

You can pry PBS's Antiques Roadshow from my cold, dead DVR!

Hey! I have an ancient (2005) broken oversized laptop. Who'll give me $100,000 for it?

All I saw was that Mande said we are right.

RE: "The Music Box Theatre, sold out for UHF"