Son of Neckbeard

Withholding sex won't work anymore since everyone has access to internet porn.

Love war, not make.


Nobody G-forced you to read it.

Are we sure this book isn't erotica for fake plastic tree fetishists?

But he's a creep.

Everything about Taylor Swift's appeal is a mystery to me.

VICE did it!

I learned that from watching 60 Minutes.

Giselle is a resident alien.

Legalize the truth?

Carrie Underwood (winner) and Jennifer Hudson (eighth place) are huge, huge stars. Plus, the two outright gay guy winners* have had stellar careers just below the pop culture radar.

It took 14 more series, but Brian Dunkleman was finally proven right about how American Idol couldn't last.

SPOILER: The final season's winner will be

Catter Wall.

It's too bad Laura Jane Grace can't be rebooked to cover "She Bop."

At least no performance of a Taylor Swift song can get worse than its original.

Andrew W.K. was born, not made, to perform Howard Jones' "Things Can Only Get Better."

The House on the Rock also figures prominently in Neil Gaiman's modern classic American Gods. Tom Every's Evermor legacy shall live, um, evermore. I guess.

FINALLY … The Rock has come back to claim the Van Allen Belt!

If you can't trust a psychedelic Pez dispenser like the one pictured above to use charitable funds wisely and accountably, who can you trust?