Son of Neckbeard

Wrong network. You obviously meant Terriers.

Pheidippides* pun marathons.

*The guy who ran with the message about the victory at the Battle of Marathon

Not without a huge reset.

Yeah, the show is already running out of story. I loveOrphan Black up to nowt, and Maslany is great, but a fourth season does not fill me with great expectations.

Orphan Chinese Is the New Black

My mother's a fellatio ARTIST, dammit. Show some respect.

I generally don't enjoy being totally negative, but this show never should have survived half a season on broadcast. It sucked to a degree previously unsucked.

Huh? I always figured St. Patrick for an iPhone 6 kinda of guy. Especially since Apple uses Ireland as its principal corporate tax haven

Full-frontal Yoda nudity remains, though. Tons of it.

You can pry my pneumatic bolt gun from my clammy, greasy, overfed fingers.

Guns are fine; they're fun for target shooting and necessary for putting meat on the table.

Maybe this will convince Rage Against the Machine to get back together.

Sorry. We have no love for puns or wordplay at the A.V. Club.

*shoots Uncle Rico*


Lookit this guy. Gettin' saucy with Apple.

I guess you could say …

Or maybe "Minaj" is alternate phonetic spelling of "menarche," an old-timey term for menstruation. Nicki's rap has heavy flow.

Just another Tuesday afternoon for the @cinecraft:disqus family …

So the One Ring was set with Infinity Stones?