I've suspected for decades that "Archers of Loaf" is a euphemism for guys who do the butt secks.
I've suspected for decades that "Archers of Loaf" is a euphemism for guys who do the butt secks.
Can't. Too damp.
We're all pun-ishers here in the A.V. Club comments section.
Gotta quit yen you're behind, though.
Baht the hell kind of joke is that?
You engage in a zloty wordplay.
Dime hating this numismatic pun thread.
In fairness, youths are way scarier than clowns. Combine the two, though, and you've got Depends-filling terror.
Get a load of Alexis de Tocqueville up here.
Get a load of Alexis de Tocqueville up here.
I suspect the Robertson clan also takes a dim view of Max Bialystock and his coreligionists.
I suspect the Robertson clan also takes a dim view of Max Bialystock and his coreligionists.
I love legitimate THEE-ater.
Fixing Baltimore starts with literally fixing Baltimore. Read this about lead paint poisoning and the doomed life of Freddie Gray, the man murdered by the police: http://www.baltimoresun.com…
It features a loot solo.
Serious Suggestion: If Jerry Lewis wanted to raise a fuckton of money for the MDA, he would sell his only print of The Day the Clown Cried to the highest bidder.
No, no, no.
Just great.