No try; only do. Do assume new Star Wars will suck and succeed, you will.
No try; only do. Do assume new Star Wars will suck and succeed, you will.
Missed opportunity on not making an all-female spinoff titled The Vagina Travelogues
The stars in those photos do not appear to be warring at all. "Stars Amicable" doesn't make a great title, I guess.
*worries @avclub-4d12cb6dbcb4582715ef26b066ff0529:disqus won't cope well with learning that Fred Flinstone was a cartoon version of Ralph Kramden*
"Mr. Mxyzptlk" might as well be the name of a Mayan god. Let's retcon him into the story of Western exploration, too.
"Diablo combined fighting and shopping"
The A.V. Club's Sexual Partners
RDJ was never better than in Back to School.
Maybe Downey was just workshopping his new character "Irony Man."
Glenn Howerton as Dennis Reynolds from Always Sunny as Kato Kaelin
Choi ≠ Ito
"Face Meets Voice" sounds like an Army recruit's introduction to his drill instructor.
These music tech dealies just Zune in and out of existence.
ALT HEADLINE — "Left: Shark"
A solid matter physics-themed porn parody titled Bucky Balls would leave no dry lap in the house.
Atlanta is right up there with the suckiest places that ever sucked. The worst thing about the U.S. Civil War is that part of Atlanta remained unburned enough to to get rebuilt.
That's great, @avclub-605302b7b2612ace0b5716f3285b7ba0:disqus, but we're talking about J. Jonah Jameson.
Can't help it: For me, J.K. Simmons will always be the mining/tunneling expert suffering from irritable bowel syndrome in the remake of The Ladykillers.
Makes you wonder how the other 87 percent could be so wrong.
I was into this comment way before anyone.