
At the end, Junior Seau did too.

Hey @ChloeGMoretz - let’s set up a date. The crush is mutual.

And everyone else’s kids.

If this happened up north at the CBC:

Remember that time Obama wore a tan suit and conservatives freaked out about it. Their silence now is deafening.

The Mooch is the best thing to happen to the Trump white house since inauguration day. Here’s a character thats so OTT he’s actually fun to watch. The Trump presidency’s been over for a while - Trump himself is clinically insane and everybody knows it so he has no power and won’t get anything of significance done. At

Hah, that’s true. You couldn’t help but feel a little bad for Spicer, even if he did make his own bed working for Trump, because he was clearly overwhelmed by the crazy. This guy is just a giant POS who loves the crazy. Which should be either hilarious, terrifying, or both.

This is the White House communications director

HOW does someone draw that shit on their face and think “nailed it. Let’s get this day STARTED.” And walk out the door. With fucking long division for eyebrows

Obama? I was just telling a co-worker I miss Bush Jr. he can even bring along Cheney.

The problem is that you’re making a lot of assumptions to get to your point. First, you assume she wasn’t drugged. Second, you assume she wasn’t unconscious. Third, you assume it was not forcible or violent. Fourth, you assume that non-forcible and non-violent rape is not as bad or more tolerable. Fifth, you

I love this insider shit. Fascinating.

Thank you for the info, but that may have been the whitest paragraph ever written.

You and roughly 67,999,999 other people. Roughly.

That was J Stew’s great disappointment, too. He thought they were friends, and that Weiner was a good man destined for great things... but here we are.


I suspect it’s more to do with needing her on immediate call, because of her father’s fading mental health and increasing sundowning.