
Of course he’s full of shit, every single thing he says is a stupid lie. He’ll never debate Clinton in any kind of real neutral setting, he’ll only do it if he can arrange for a moronic circus scene full of screeching idiots who roar over his spastic twitching and dopey insults. He’s a grade-A coward, a sleazy punk, a

Boy that escalated quickly...and then devolved.

Please, oh PLEASE prosecute them. I’d love to see Mr. & Mrs. High & Mighty Useless be prevented from traveling overseas ever again! They’re an embarrassment to the entire U.S.

Give me West Elm or give me death.

It's incomprehensible that he is only a few polling points behind Hillary.

It’s easy to assume that there are no choices when you don’t know enough to make a choice. Trump knows so little, everything seems straightforward to him.

Hiddles may need to get on the Batphone to Affleck to find out how this ends....

In other news, company that doubles down when it has a power disparity in its favor to destroy people is unhappy when a person with a power disparity in his favor doubles down to destroy company.

Listen up:

Jesus Christ, I have never read that story but that passage made me tear up.

How does someone whose job it is to be on camera not understand how a camera works?

“Uh... I asked why you were supporting Peter Theil?”

He’s not very good at mimicking human shapes because he doesn’t know what to look for.

Not so much a cult, but rather a collection of conspiracy-minded morons who are into David Icke, a former soccer played turned total fucking wackjob.

Please. If he could shape-shift, that would mean that he’s chosen to look like he does.

Obama was a great debater, but he was a little rusty in the first debate in 2012. Thankfully, he destroyed Romney in the other debates. Warren is proving herself to be a very effective attack dog, which is why I’m hoping Clinton picks her as the VP. It’s probably wishful thinking, but I remain hopeful.

I wouldn’t say Sanders is a “pro” at debating. He’s been pretty lackluster in his debates against HRC, and merely repeats the same talking points. And his attempts to go negative have fallen flat. I would personally like to see Elizabeth Warren debating Donald Trump.

I’m getting this tattooed on my wrist today at 2pm.

Someone Could Get Hurt was one of the most honest books I’ve read. I feel its how most Gen X parents do their parenting.

That said, Drew is way more of a fart-sniffer than any of these guys. They wouldn’t ever talk about farts in public!