
Richard Linklater was a quarterback and football athlete through most of high school and an even better pitcher. He moved schools for baseball. His ‘character’ would have been both the ball playing and quarterback kids - not the nerdy antagonist. This is why the film is weirdly ambiguous. I used to view it from the

You entirely missed the point.

Except Louis career is not really based on being a jerk or even being that shocking. Zillions of people find him funny, and almost nobody cares that might be offensive. Only angry people on the Jz and their HuffPo sorority mates have a problem. The trick is you don’t have to ‘press play’ on Netflix, you can always

You must be a horrible person to work with.

“Maybe don’t make shows where weight loss is the be all and end all goal?”

“Don’t put actors in fat suits to build conflict is more what people are saying.”
No. A very tiny minority of people are saying or thinking this. Most people do not care, are not offended, and do not feel that it’s objectively offensive.

Criticism isn’t censorship you fuck nuggets.”

“As a fat girl in an extremely fat shaming society I completely understand the feeling of wanting to burn everything down. I don’t think I’ve ever identified with a show more.”

Do you realize how fascist all of you seem? The show is neither offensive, nor very good. It’s a campy B-comedy, that’s it. The fact that there’s any fuss over it all is crazy.

Maybe you should spend a few minutes watching it, and you might find that it’s not offensive at all, and even sometimes funny. It might make you rethink your entire world view and help you to develop your own opinions and identity, and to avoid authoritarian, controlling places.

“I think this is a pass as this seems to be getting nearly universally bad reviews.”

“While I have no doubt this show is awful” why don’t you actually watch it and make up your mind you clueless oaf.

Why don’t you just, you know, WATCH THE SHOW?

“The fat thing also is still very very bad.” No, it wasn’t.

“ I am not questioning the fact that this show isn’t good.”

“So he’s basically saying these men have a “have sex with me or I’ll murder some people” take on life? And it’s somehow our responsibly to provide that sex in order to protect ourselves and our society from them?”

99% of the comments here are enough to drive 99% of people mad. Jordan Peterson is mostly about common sense. That’ he’s enraged you only indicates how out of touch you are. FYI: ‘Incel’ is not a thing. There are maybe 5 dudes who call themselves that. But enjoy your fake boogeyman who provides you with strawman

You are ‘saying equality’ but ‘committing violent acts’.

Of course they are monitored as they should be, along with a bunch of other crazy alt-right racist groups.

“but it is exhausting to have a conversation with someone” It’s exhausting to have arguments with people defending the fact that Blacks commit crime at rates massively higher than any other group - and that it’s the same in every country in the world, including those in Africa. Some African neighbourhoods in America