Ooh, is one of the verified strangers a black man who the main character assumes is mentally sexually denigrating her based on absolutely no evidence?
Ooh, is one of the verified strangers a black man who the main character assumes is mentally sexually denigrating her based on absolutely no evidence?
Paid sick leave.
Unfortunately we’ve created a workworkwork at all costs culture where you will be grumbled about or worse for taking time off to get better. So we can’t really get mad at those people who don’t take sick time. It sucks but they’ve got a family to feed. I get it.
“Birds going batshit, and bats going apeshit.”
One day I’ll find out why Pete Davidson is a thing at all.
Good for Pete Davidson! It’s about time he stood up to people coming to see his shows! I, for one, will help him out by not going to them. Take that, audiences!
“It is a truth universally acknowledged that yours truly needs some bling, motherfucker.”
“I am a woman and I have the power to summon such spirits and I fucking will,”
I really need to make progress in befriending a billionaire or two so that I can get a chance to taste stuff like this.
First off, The Flash IS fast enough to get to the doctor before Ramsey rips out his throat. Except when the plot interferes.
I love the revelation that Vanessa Gecko doesn’t hate Princess Carolyn at all. That nailed their dynamic perfectly, I think.
i live in a condo in downtown Toronto. just exiting my building and walking maybe 10 minutes gets me to “great” restaurants. But just exiting my building and walking 30 seconds gets me to 3 “good enough” restaurants. And I’m happy with that.
Back when I was a student “just okay” would’ve amounted to the Wendy’s Budget Meal - sour cream and chive baked potato, small chili, small Frosty. A filling meal for under $3+GST CDN.
I’ll say that Just Okay is totally fine with me fully 75% of the time. What shocks me is how hard it honestly is to break Just Okay.
Jared Leto is the least self-aware person in the country’s least self-aware industry. Tremendous.
You are neither an illiterate hack nor a waste of space and these articles are a nice oasis in a desert of violently nihilistic partisanship that this world seems fine with becoming. I enjoy coming to this site entirely because of you and people like you.
Not by value. A stipend can be anything down to simply free meals. The implication with a stipend is that there are complimentary benefits. The only one I'm seeing here is "you get to do office work".
I notice money was not mentioned. New York is a fricken expensive place to live. Maybe you should add "parents in New York willing to put you up indefinitely" or "willingness to live in a steam tunnel"