“He’s accessed my private information, including social media accounts to orchestrate a reporting to his pleasing. Great work of fiction writing”
“He’s accessed my private information, including social media accounts to orchestrate a reporting to his pleasing. Great work of fiction writing”
Oh god, if he crosses paths with that fake “heiress” from a few months ago (the one who conned a premium hotel into letting her live there rent-free for months at time), the world might implode from the level of asshattery and criminal lies.
That honestly all sounds super delicious!
I’ve been reading Deadspin for a while and while poop stories are not my favorite, I can usually skim through them without shuddering in horror. When today’s funbag question popped up (just as I was pulling into the parking lot at work), I almost dry-heaved.
That sounds delicious!
Oh man I have so many stretch marks around my thighs and boobs and it’s all from gaining weight after college, losing some of it, gaining more, etc :-( And at 35, I’ve pretty much set myself on a child-free course for the rest of my life
It’s the “baby!” on the baby stick figure that slays me
Seconding this so much. A friend of a friend went through this nonsense several times with an on-again, off-again BF in college. If I could go back, I would have called 911 on her behalf as soon as the words were out of her BF’s mouth the first time. Spoiler alert--he never went through with a suicide attempt b/c it…
It took me longer than it should to realize that you’re broken up as soon as one person says, “I’m breaking up with you.” The breaker-uppee (ugh, sorry) can argue or bargain all they want but one the breaker-upper says, “bye Felicia/Felix!,” that is it.
I wish so hard that would happen but I honestly don’t expect there to be a next president in 2020. Clowney McOrangeFuckFace is absolutely going to openly declare himself Idiot Emperor for Life and no one will stop him
Ah, good catch! It’s been a while since I’ve read the article so I’m forgetting some stuff. It did seem like the parents (or at least one parent) were in super denial about the danger their potentially-sociopathic child posed to the children in the house :-( So that stuck with me because it wouldn’t surprise me if,…
Oh man I want to send the grandpa story to my dad because he’s Polish and Italian (and some Lithuanian).
Oh I see you’ve met my dad’s younger brother or my dad 10 years ago (he’s almost 70 and has spent the last few years falling hardcore into chemtrail stuff, false flag theories, etc. it’s been....not great).
I know, I shouldn’t be focusing on this aspect of such a horrible case but...gosh darn, that five-head. Like bad enough you’re a sociopathic, active participant in manslaughter (if I’m feeling lenient) but then you have the AUDACITY to walk around with that face/that fivehead??? GIRL NO.
I read that article recently (I think it came out a few years ago?) and wondered if anyone’s going to check in with the profiled kids when they hit 18+ . Because it wouldn’t surprise me if at least one sibling was already living with other relatives (on the other side of the country) for safety, or dead by the…
Am American, have used GrubHub and DoorDash but I keep thinking Postmates is like....ordering stamps from the post office or something.
Can I get them on Kindle or epub formats?? Just taking a survey of ebook format options
Welcome back!
I would die happy if UBK released a full track of that “Cosmetology” music video. I love seeing Titus throw himself full-tilt into crazy songs.
I like that in this alternate hell universe, Randy is still messing things up for Kimmy. In this case, it’s accidentally sending the squad car into the stage and putting her in that coma