
My company did the opposite in March 2018. For years, we had separate personal, sick, and vacation time all based on how long you’d been with the company. Sick and vacation time could be rolled over; you also got 3 personal days on your company anniversary, to be used before the next anniversary. Now, we have bullshit

Oh god I’d watch the hell out of this


Conspiracy! This is clearly a ploy by BIG TOOTHBRUSH or something

The last few hotels I’ve stayed at were Holiday Inn-type places and when I asked if they sold toothbrushes in the toiletries shop they were like, “lol what.” So yeah, I think I have to break the “$500 a night” barrier for hotels if I want to get a free toothbrush b/c I forgot mine.

Thank goodness! Very glad to hear this :-D I hope Drew and Drewfamily have a much more peaceful and safe 2019!

I was bit by a Canadian goose when I was about 7 and I’m STILL not over it. Never forget.

Seriously, these “updates” make it sound like he’s been hooked up to a ventilator, essentially brain-dead, since early December.

At a post-holiday party happy hour last week, my boss confessed that he’s long suspected two former employees had a whole system of switching work assignments around to avoid ever doing any actual work.

SAME. I feel dumb b/c it’s not like I know Drew or his family personally—I just like his columns and have even started paying attention NFL stuff more because of his writing. My boss usually sends Drew’s WS hater’s guide around every year and I still haven’t been able to break the news to him :(

Seriously, What the hades

Ugh, I think my ipad ate my comment but I hope Drew makes a full and speedy recovery soon! His William-Sonoma takedowns and Road Trip Angst cheered my mom up when she was dealing with some annoying hospital bureaucracy since August.

Oh god I’m glad I’m not the only one who’s kind of already over the Cicada’s storyline. I’m glad the villain isn’t *another* speedster (we think???) and the Thinker was capital-D dull but....I’m not feeling Cicada the character, his backstory, Dr. Enabler, or Coma Niece. And then I feel like a jerk for disliking a

I can’t believe I just realized/learned--via this review--that Chris Klein is playing Cicada! I feel so dumb and uncool now. 16 year old me would be appalled. 

I’ve worked for many editors and bosses that ran the gamut from “legitimately supportive and mentoring” to “disguises general asshattery and alcoholism as tough love, company doesn’t want to get sued if they ever fire him.” My current boss is the former so guess which boss I’d gladly hide a body for even though the

I feel for you. I started out in journalism during college but a hiring freeze dashed any hopes of staying with the company full-time—where I could make food-stamp-level wages AND not even be able to afford the health insurance plan. Now I’m squarely in my mid-30s, working in medical writing....but at a non-profit

That is a good point. 

Honestly I think I enjoyed the kids’ subplot more because there is something so delightfully effed up about a Gatsby-themed *children’s* birthday party, all for the sake of the clicks.

I feel personally attacked by how close to home this episode hit (a lot of my friends are married, living with a significant other, having kids, etc while I...had to move back in with my parents several years ago for $ and health reasons, and am still trying to change all that). Dr. Akopian’s advice about how

I don’t think I can articulate how great this episode was so I’ll just leave it to everyone else. But I also want to give brownie points for the running theme of “buffets at orgies” on IASIP and how impressed Frank is at the buffet in the BDSM club.