Sonic Yogurt

Have you seen ‘The Wind Journeys’? It’s a Colombian film revolving around a cursed accordion won in a battle against the devil, and yeah, the accordion has devil horns.

While I’m deprived of White Castle in my neck of the woods, Jack in the Box (as far as I know) still does all-day breakfast too.

I wish I’d read this before getting Jersey Mike’s for lunch today! The cherry pepper relish wasn’t on my radar at all, but I’m really looking forward to trying it next time.

Yeah, for pretty much every game that catches my eye, I’ll search on HLTB or CTRL+F for completion time in pre-release reviews. But that’s because I prize short-to-medium games and only play a few especially long ones (especially 100 hr.-plus games) a year. It’s far from the only deciding factor, but if I’m on the

Ha! I got hooked on Killer Klowns way back in the day when HBO had a rotation of, like, 7 movies. I think I’m on my third home video release, and I’d happily buy a fourth if it ever comes out in 4K.

It is indeed glorious, and this was the biggest win of the show for me.

He is, or at least was. (I’m not really in the loop either, so maybe he’s more of a straight-up hero these days. No idea.) I don’t bristle at Red Hood being called an antihero, but I do think that describing Robin, Nightwing, or Batgirl that way is pretty off-base.

Nosing around Google News, I can’t quickly find any press releases or other coverage describing Gotham Knights’ cast as “antiheroes”, so I think it’s just an Ari thing.

Now playing

The Beths’ “Experts in a Dying Field” is the album I’m most excited about in September.

I don’t think I ever brought any to school, but I’m guilty of having made ketchup sandwiches as a kid. And I’d roll up bologna and cheese and eat those without bread. I mean, I knew how sandwiches worked, but I guess I was too much of a rebel.

Yup. I didn’t get there until well into adulthood since I grew up thinking ketchup=Heinz, and everything else just tasted wrong to me. But I appreciate the vinegary tang and that bit of sourness more now, and I prefer that to the sweeter Heinz. In my neck of the woods down south, if a BBQ joint has a bottle of

Yeah, describing Nightwing as an “anti-hero” is pretty baffling to me.

I’m glad to see Red Baron rank so highly on your list!

It wouldn’t be by the end of this term (which would typically wrap up next week, without any seemingly relevant cases on the docket), but it sure does sound like he’s inviting cases with that pre-determined conclusion.

And I know no one cares about this but me and maybe 8 other people, but I was really impressed by the resistive triggers and haptics on the PS5 release of Cold War — to the point that I sought out Vanguard on the PS5 as well. And nope, either nothing on that front or close enough to nothing.

Thanks for turning me onto Nectar. 

I’m having trouble seeing that endgame.”

Attention, and isn’t that all Musk is ever really after?

“and Toei famous for Ultraman and Kamen Rider.”

I genuinely loved one of the other McDonald’s-based games: Global Gladiators for the Genesis.

Believe it or not, Limited Run Games lavished Chex Quest with an insanely lavish re-release last year.

Sony has had a marketing partnership with Call of Duty since 2015, which Activision used to have with Xbox. And that’s why the PS versions of these games sometimes get exclusive perks, timed-exclusive modes/DLC, etc.