Sonic Yogurt

Right there with you! TMBG were the first band I ever saw live (well, that my parents didn't drag me to, anyway), and that was as a college freshman in 1996, just a couple of weeks before Factory Showroom came out. I even waited outside the record store — in a line of one! — to get that CD in my grubby little hands

I was a little worried, I have to admit. When Mink Car first came out in 2001, I didn't think much of the album since I'd already heard those songs for months on TMBG Unlimited, and I thought it might be the same deal with Dial-a-Song Direct and Glean. Nope!

Katie Nehra, yeah.

My two favorite Chopped cues are:

Because it's early and I'm dumb, I read this as:

I used to really love this series, but the endless delays have stomped all over my enthusiasm.

I get what you mean. I'd probably point to "Between the Bridges" as their last start-to-finish fantastic album. I like "Action Pact" and "The Double Cross" a lot but wouldn't put them in quite that same league. There are several really terrific songs on "Parallel Play", although I find the album as a whole kind of

The liner notes in that sprawling vinyl reissue of Twice Removed were impressively honest, detailing how tense things got and why the band broke up (although they obviously got back together!).

One of my earliest memories is seeing the video for "Ricky". I didn't realize that was a parody for something like 13 years, until I was in high school and finally picked up Al's first album. All through my childhood, I thought "Ricky" was the real version and that "Mickey" was the spoof. Had no clue that was Al at

They've said on the latest commentaries that 13 episode seasons were killing them, so they worked it into their deal with Adult Swim that they'd produce 10 half hours per season instead. There are only 8 episodes in the season proper, but the double length premiere and the Halloween special bring it up to 10 half

I was a Nielson household three or four years back, and I was still sent a diary that had to be filled out by hand. My fiancee's family was sent a diary sometime last year, too. I think it only covered a week of viewing.