

ENGAGE BLACK VOTERS. They are consistently one of the strongest and most active voting blocs in the country, they continue to prove this over and over by saving white people from their own worst impulses in multiple elections, and the Democratic party has taken their votes for granted and done very little to engage

As someone else who lives in Alabama, it is a third-world state, with metrics like education, infant mortality, and poverty placing it squarely in the company of many third-world nations, and I’m not sure where you’re missing the burnt necks and Confederate flags because I see them every single day, and I live in the

Now, let’s make the Republicans that supported Roy Moore to the very end become stuck to that shit forever.

I’m gonna miss satire...

I do not throw a baseball with my hand; I throw a baseball with my heart.

Sanders neglected to provide any evidence to back up her claim of deliberate lying on the part of the media.

God it’s pathetic how “urban” gets tossed around as an insult. Cities power the American economy and send billions of dollars to rural areas to support them. We should acknowledge the contributions rural America makes to the country, but acting as though people who live in cities (i.e., a substantial majority of the

The irony there is that the ballot initiative was to force a class of people to behave in a manner more stringent than society in general is behaving or forced to behave. I would bet my next several paychecks that the incidence rate of HIV infection in the porn industry is lower than society at large *because* of

“Isn’t there a lot of denial in the porn business about how many STDs the performers are subject to?”

Minnesota was a caucus, which is exclusive to party members and has a high participatory cost that turns off most voters (which is why they have substantially less voters than actual primaries). In short, it’s disenfranchising, and by no means a solid sample of the electorate — not by a long shot.

Don’t expect the same principle to apply to your medical marijuana cards, folks. Think of the children...

+1 gluteal mishandling of the prolate spheroid

I was looking for “facts and science”, but that will work as well.

That teammate? Rustin Aivers.

Two typo’s, huh?

Update 12/1, 11:21 am: ABC News is reporting that Flynn will offer “full cooperation to the Mueller team” and will offer testimony that Donald Trump “directed him to make contact with the Russians.”

Not sure why that’s your business, but no. I have a computer.

Whatever whitey. Go drink some Starbucks while listening to Nickleback.