
Game recognizes, bows to superior game

Off topic but nice handle.

Tom sure showed them good, doing the exact thing they wanted him to do.

“It looks like you’re trying to keep your leg in one piece. Can I help?”

Him not playing means he can’t prove he deserves a future contract so he asked for a buyout. He is literally asking to give up some of his first round salary money to go somewhere he can play. That is what a buyout is. The 76ers are actively preventing him from showcasing his ability. No doubt he’s not as good as

I understand them (motherfucking Midwest Nazis that is) just fine, they need to understand what the fuck they’re doing to themselves and the country. I know, that’s too much to ask.

26-14 or, as it’s known in Alabama, courtin’ ages.

Are we talking like, SUPER RAPE, or just a little light rape?

To me, it is dog-whistle reinforcing the Virgin-Whore dichotomy that is so beloved by right-wing regressive men. If a woman is kept in a tiny little box, doing everything you tell her to do and wearing her purity ring from daddy, then she is good and special and needs your protection. If she does what she damned well

“How cute— she thinks she’s people!”


Man Who Benefitted From His Dad in Twitter Beef With Man Who Benefitted From His Son, reported on by Man Who Benefitted From His Dad.

Don’t sleep on the Boricua Migration, Democrats. This is your chance to flip Florida for good. Of course, it’s also another opportunity to fuck up a sure thing.

Ahh, the “Star Jones ‘Well, as a lawyer...” fallacy. An uncommon, but well appreciated one. I’m sure your clients appreciate the time you’re spending expounding your vast legal knowledge on the internet.

Are you talking about Juanita Broaddrick, whose accusations did not surface until 1999, in the last year of Clinton’s Presidency?

Dipshit father of dipshit kids burns dipshit leader of dipshit country

Been doing squats with an Iron Curtain of sorrow for most of 38 years. Parts of me are pretty jacked.

Nah, I mean what I said. I get why somebody would think Kawhi’s better, of course. I just don’t agree.

AKA The Mayo Boys. AKA Cracker Barrel.