Sonic Titan

He did a legitimately, no-sarcasm great job playing Tommy Lee in The Dirt.

Actually, more and more Blacks have joined and play for hockey teams. I just read that some hockey line, or whatever it’s called, just made history for being all Black. And I think the story may have been on Deadspin. What I gleaned from this article is that at least one hockey team has Black representation in its

I swear sometimes we make it far too easy for the right to make fun of us.

Way to add to the convo. *sigh*

asdkfjdk my GOD woman, get your head out of your ass. Sarah, you write shitty teen romance YA, you’re not out here writing the next Booker Prize novel. Of course a college junior, who is presumably in her twenties and you know, at university to challenge herself academically, wants to read something with more

Since the Warriors are trash thanks to their crappy drafting the past few years

Fleetwood Mac post-Peter Green is a waste of time.

Kinda a few days late buddy. FYI better fill up on gas. Could be a hard next few days/weeks 

he jumped into the opposing fans stands to celebrate a touchdown.  I mean what did he expect honestly

White women made up 70 percent of those figures (up 3 percent from past years), 17 percent were black women (down 2 percent from the previous survey)”

Well, I don’t think most people are telling him that he can’t say that. I think most people are saying that it isn’t funny and his opinions are shitty, but most* people aren’t calling for a boycott or for him to be fined or jailed. As is always that case, he’s free to try anything. We’re free to tell him it sucks.

It could also easily be argued (as the author does) that Nike is not amplifying Kaepernick’s message, but rather watering it down, repurposing it, and using it to sell sneakers.

Just like how the Raptors won!

I heartily encourage everyone to watch that video embedded in the Sportsnet tweet, especially if, like me, your heart is largely filled with contempt and despair for humanity. It’s a nice reprieve from all of that.

I say let her run. I ran two seconds off her record time as a high school male 800 meter runner.

My thank you note to the manager who interviewed me for my absolute-ride-off-into-the-sunset job began with:

I paid $500 to be at that game. That Muni ride home was fucking bleak.