Sonic Titan

I will miss this website and all of it’s writers especially you Diana. Deadspin forever

Yeah I’m an idiot

D’oh! I wrote this submission and really wish I proofread... It was the NFC championship game which was the 2011-2012 season

Lol, I wrote this and I’m dumb, never write emails high kids, or else you will be ripped to shreds by internet commentators. 

For the first time in over a decade I am not cooking anything. I am going to my girlfriends families house and she is making zucchini bread and lasagna. In my family I am usually the one who cooks the turkey so this year they decided to have crab instead (my family lives in San Francisco). We usually have crab

Isn’t all cornbread gluten free? It’s made with cornmeal and not flour so by definition it contains no gluten.

I was once doing a 6 mile loop around my house and 4 miles in I felt a grumble which came on like a freight train. The final two miles are through houses in a suburban part of San Jose so there were no woods to speak of. I spent those two miles collapsing in front of people’s yards trying to hold it in (I stopped by

Michael Carter actually only won the silver, Michelle brought this up in the interview after her victory.

I actually work at the contact manufacturer that makes these, in fact I am the process engineer for this product along with the player tags which track speed and what not, its pretty cool and no they do not measure pressure only location and speed