my car smells like crayons

I’ve heard if it floats, flies, or fucks, it’s cheaper to rent. I don’t follow the rules.

It is kinda funny that he’s going to get flack from some people for leaving when it’s clearly stated in the video that it was the last question.


particularly when he picks up his lunchbox to walk out

The little boy shorts really undercut his walkout, lol. He looks like he’s going on time out.

The unexpected shorts make that top gif one of the best gifs ever.

This. Its’ interesting how Bron sliding into a spot is now “set in defensive position.” His feet moving during and through contact pretty much blows the whole charge.

Disagree with your opinion of the call (looked like a blocking foul to me), but agreed on the general gist of this, and especially as it pertains to video review. This is a cloud-yelling take but I’d be perfectly ok with removing video review from all sports completely.

...that’s a different sport

I get that Lebron’s left foot was planted *just* before Durant went up for the layup but... the entire rest of his body was moving. I know the rules don’t mandate you be stock still waiting with hands over dick-and-balls in order to draw a charge but, uh, I don’t think you establish legal guarding position just by

Given the level of incompetence here, I’m surprised they didn’t retroactively call defensive three seconds on LeBron because he was standing there for so long in the slow motion replay.

Oh, it’s absolutely a block. It’s also absolutely bogus it got reviewed.

Who didn’t shoot? J.R.

This is on Tyronn Lue. If he had put the Roomba in instead of JR Smith, this never would have happened.

Sadly he died of AIDS moments after the incident.

Nina because a father killing his daughter is evil. A child losing her father is tragic, but not evil.

But look at the pleasant and uplifting memes it spawned

Well thanks, it’s not like I wanted a happy and peaceful day today.

Now playing

to this day not sure wich is worse Nina Or Houges daughter at the funneral