my car smells like crayons

Marshall might be the best example of a player overcoming their demons from the past. He has been very outspoken about his past issues with abuse and a very vocal proponent of reforming how the NFL deals with players who are domestic abusers.

Marshall hasn’t had an issue in 6+ years and appears to be on the right

July 31, 2011: Announced he had been diagnosed with Boarderline Personality Disorder, and has been undergoing treatment to understand and manage his condition ever since.

Because they don’t serve Old Crow at Dairy Queen, they keep telling you.

But what’s your point?

Papelbon’s right, you know. Doesn’t seem very fair that he should get in trouble when there’s 25 guys in that dugout who choked.

I think he died in a fight with Cassius Clay.

Trump followed that up by saying he wanted to make America as great as those UCLA Basketball teams from the 1960s, he just couldn’t remember what happened to that Alcindor kid.

.3? wtf is the margin of error?

This is as much a Camry as I am.

You can tell he’s a true Bills fan because he’s so comfortable working from behind.

I wonder how many “honey”s and “sweetheart”s are being dropped in this conversation.

“Wow, that game log is hilarious! I can’t even understand what’s going on there.” - Matt Schaub

Found it.

Theres something odd about J.P.P’s tone throughout this interview, but I can’t quite put a finger on it.

“Could be funnier.”

I would assume they’ve got all these pieces deployed so close together means they are far more concerned keeping the site on the ground secure than fighting the West. Seems like that’s just asking for a single Tomahawk to take out the entire grouping.

“Guys! Guys! Remember that killer story I told you about? The one I wrote last Sunday night about Tom Brady having no one to throw to after the Broncos game but my computer crashed before I hit Save and I thought I lost it? Well guess what...”

I saw this headline and thought some new development must have happened but nope its just a 6 day late weigh-in on a topic that just about every voice in sports media has already covered.

Orchestral geek COTY.

Perhaps not an advisable way, but it works, I guess.