my car smells like crayons

I met the guy from Road Rash II. Cool guy who is actually really into promoting the motorcycle scene in the Bay Area.

Lucky he was in a car. Here’s a story from back in ‘05 that just sticks with you, to say “don’t fuck with turkey vultures”:

The on-board video provides the best angle...

Robert Kraft already tried that.

The whole thing reads like him saying “I’m sorry I got caught.

And don't forget the feeling of superiority when parking next to a WRX at the vape shop.

Life is tough. Tom Izzo’s players learn valuable lessons that will last a lifetime.

Rumor is his birth certificate has a little too much Cyrillic.

The way things are going, the next MR2 will be a FWD CUV.

He peaked that one time he got four touchdowns in a single game.

Forester S-AWD

Amateurs. Next time abandon the couch, and make a new one out of empty beer cases, a blanket, and Lime scooters.  

Nice try, Coach K.

Stainless steel will rust, just not as fast or thoroughly as iron-rich steel. The stainless steel processing usually includes passivation to keep the outer layer protected from oxidization. Of course the first time friction forces are applied it will remove the passivation layer.

John Michael Montgomery would like a word.

The best part of the Saab interior, and trust me that is a highly-rated list of items.

“Big deal. My on-the-butt play got way more coverage and attention.”

On the flip side, do you think there will be some sort of class-action lawsuit for those kids that didn’t get accepted? I’m sure there’s got to be at least one lawyer’s kid who couldn’t get in through the front door, and didn’t have the means or wherewithal to use the side or back door methods.

You think that’s bad, try being the guy stocking the produce.

Just don't dawdle. Once church lets out it's Armageddon.