While there might not be morality in hacking games, messing with people who are just trying to have a fun and fair game is a very assholeish thing to do.
While there might not be morality in hacking games, messing with people who are just trying to have a fun and fair game is a very assholeish thing to do.
So an accurate reproduction of Dark Souls controls?
You have no idea.
Because Minecraft is an Infiniminer rip off.
I don’t think Minecraft can cry “rip-off” when it was technically a rip-off of something else. Forgot the name but it looked more like a rip-off than these other rip-offs.
Psst. Minecraft itself was a rip-off.
I’m honestly amused by people getting apprehensive about the mention of Early Access - considering the recent releases in the AAA-scene they’re not doing much better. Yet nobody is throwing in the same claims.
You may want to more prominently feature the fact that this game is in early access. This page will be around well after the game has come out, and could give the wrong impression, hurting it :-/
Like many of Square’s other mobile games, it’s [...] excellent.
Maybe the voice acting is just a bit off, but this character seems cheesy lol
But the fact remains that until we stop making so many games, even the fantastic ones will fall by the wayside.
It’s like writing today- I could be the most gifted wordsmith alive and craft a staggering novel of life-changing genius, but unless I have a major publishing house on my side, willing to spend time, effort, and more importantly, a ton of money promoting my book, my chances of success are laughable.
It’s more like boycotting a small business the moment they put a sale sign in their front window. How dare they.
I don’t understand the trend of “Kickstarter Haters”. The people you’re gloating over are either sponsoring something they think might be worthwhile, or trying to keep people employed. Not funding something doesn’t put you on a “team” it means you didn’t fund something.
The problem with that is that far too many people simply didn’t understand why he was starting a second project. The fact is, the creative team was finished with MN9. He needed to start another project to keep them employed.
He’s not really under any obligation, man. Kickstarter is an investment. You roll the dice; you pay the price. Caveat Emptor.
Overreacting at its finest.
Artists and level designers have nothing to do when the game is in QA testing. What else are they supposed to do?
Pretty twisted to be excited about someone’s failure. As disappointed as I am, it’s better this happens than it gets released broken. A step that a lot of devs should probably take.
Don’t be an asshole.