Everythings a contest with some people. Console wars. Publisher wars. Now indie wars. Fanboys are always going to argue as if only one can exist. Undertale and five nights are in as much competition as water and Soda.
Everythings a contest with some people. Console wars. Publisher wars. Now indie wars. Fanboys are always going to argue as if only one can exist. Undertale and five nights are in as much competition as water and Soda.
Or, they just enjoy playing it, and aren’t very picky about a 10 dollar game.
If you’re suggesting I should care if a bunch of gamers are mad they can’t drug a character and trick them into conversion therapy.... no.
Good. Now to just never read the other comments.
Agreed. For a while they always were publishing articles about how iOS was better then consoles etc and it felt like they spent more time bashing other gaming mediums. It was annoying. Plus Eli was not always the nicest in his responses to his readers. I haven't been back there after I stopped reading it
I used to actually read and frequent TOuch arcade a whole bunch but they seemed to want to prove that mobile was superior to consoles and we're always publishing articles about it. That turned me off. That and the site owners reply to some comments I would make.
I can’t say that I feel sorry for TouchArcade. Considering how shady they often are. They delete comments with no reason given from their news coverage if it doesn’t align with their agenda, even if the comments are completely reasonable and inoffensive opinions.
Thank you for Judgmental Douchebag Comment #847565957367
Looks like a huge waste of time, just like every other Minecrap project. >.>
You’re not in the minority. You’re just not as loud as people who dislike Fallout 4.
I guess im in the Minority, but I found Fallout 4 really fun, still play it. All my friends who played it like it and still play it.
Everything after season 1 is garbage
You should probably learn what clickbait actually means. I did and you won’t believe what happened next!
How did you complete that shitastic RE4 and not RE0?
While I’d say it’s the lesser of the old style RE’s, RE0 shits all over the horrible 5 and 6 from a great height, it’s better than Revelations, and I even prefer it over 4 (if only slightly).
That happened years earlier for me. There was a LOT of nonsense, even in the original games.
Wow, you’re the only person I can think of who found this boring. And it is far from the weakest Resident Evil. Pretty much every single RE after 3 was complete shit, with 4 and 6 being a goddamned joke. Zero was awesome because it was still a horror game and not a stupid action game.
What?! GOD NO. They need to make a new resident evil with slightly upgraded tank controls.
In no way is it the most boring or worst RE. RE4,5 and 6 are horrible and boring wannabe action games. The inventory system is bad in RE0 though.