I hate these kind of speed runs, mainly because they completely overshadow the legitimate speed runs.
I hate these kind of speed runs, mainly because they completely overshadow the legitimate speed runs.
Bear Hugger is awesome.
You said “Sony has never paid for an exclusive so no.”
Yup, you got me, Sony has never paid for a game to be exclusive they just paid for a game to be exclusive.
For them to believe that their attackers would be unable to follow their giant crippled ship to the surface of a nearby planet is absurd.
What does playing Yo-Kai Watch achieve?
Undertale and shows like Steven Universe are associated with the tumblr crowd because that’s where they either became popular, or remain extremely popular.
Omg, *facepalm*
I don’t hang out on tumblr at all. I’m just explaining what people are referring to when they refer to “tumblr crap”.
I’ll admit that there are some good tracks in the game, but none of that matters when you have some guy randomly shouting “Uh, huh, yeah-uh” while walking around NLA.
They crash land on an alien planet during a battle, but then act surprised that the aliens followed them to the surface. Any idiot could follow the trail of a crumbling ship you just shot at.
People have conversations through notes.
Porn site, huh?
Are you sure you’re doing it right?
Well, tumblr is less about bad poetry and more about making yourself feel special by using serious mental illnesses and oppression as fashion accessories while viciously attacking others.
Tumblr’s version of deep is believing you’re a “genderfluid aromanic demiboy gloomgender trans-ethnic half demon fox kin” and filling your blog with nonsense about how reverse racism isn’t real, the patriarchy is killing women, cis people are evil, proper grammar is ableism, learning a new language is cultural…
Oh, I’m sorry, my bad, they’re not paying for it to be exclusive they’re just paying for it to be exclusive.
Unfortunately, the music sucks and the story is largely incoherent.
Tumblr is a blogging service filled with teenagers and stunted young adults trying way too hard to be deep and feel special.
Street Fighter 5 begs to differ.