It’s because this article is about the best credit sequences, not endings. The credit sequence in FF6 is just the airship flying around.
It’s because this article is about the best credit sequences, not endings. The credit sequence in FF6 is just the airship flying around.
I love how you’re going on about how it’s YOUR console, it’s YOURS, but then you have zero respect for the company’s primary asset, their code.
I feel like this should be an episode of Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Mac and Charlie steal some guy’s TV:
Guy: “Are you stealing my TV?”
Charlie: “Yea man, you’re not using it, and we want it for the bar.”
Guy: “I use it.”
Mac: “Dude, if you let us take it you’ll create a lot of good will.”
Charlie: “Yea, gotta build…
So do I.
Putting piracy aside for a moment, opening a system can be a costly headache. It’s not as simple as flipping a switch. Adding support for these scenarios requires a significant development effort and a shit ton of additional testing. And even if you make it very clear that installing Linux violates the warranty and…
“Open” and “Open Source” are not the same thing in this context.
What the fuck are you talking about? The game is filled with Mario sprites and music.
That gif makes me want to throw up. Gross.
But they obviously have a copyright on Mario.
My mom makes levels on Mario Maker, it’s the only game she’s played in 10 years. SMBX is no where near as usable.
Mario Maker, oddly enough, looks like Material design.
Not if you’re smart and using a VPN or Tor.
You need to remember that in this context “easy to use” means this woman can use it without help:
How is not wanting people to steal your shit “irrational”?!
These stories definitely affect if and when these projects get taken down.
People say this, but auto levels break if you switch styles, which wouldn’t happen if the physics were the same.
Yea, it’s my least favorite style. It has no charm.
Well if it makes you feel better, Mario Maker’s “3D stuff” is actually prerendered 2D sprites.
Because neither of those is user friendly enough for the average person. Mario Maker is, and it’s also a far better level editor.
Does anyone have a mirror? The Dropbox account is dead.