Yay for understanding and agreement! Communication WORKS!
Yay for understanding and agreement! Communication WORKS!
Oh the simplified analogy - how I love thee...
Jdale, Jdale, Jdale - my point, and - sorta - the point of the article, is that the Environment is COMPLICATED. In fact, it is so complicated that poking it with a stick might not be a great idea.
"Everything we thought we knew about predicting climate change could be wrong"
Also, the article mentions that the builders set up shop in Mobile — I am guessing Alabama — which is just outside New Orleans anyway...
You know, this WSJ article drives me a little nuts.
Chick'n...mmmm...goo-ood chick'n
Sure, the team they set up wasn't the "original" team - but I have to say, this film is worth seeing for Michael Facebender...wait, thats Fassbender — himself. Well, him and Kevin Bacon.
Was that ever made explicit? Although, you know, it makes The Doctor's Wife make a little more sense. I was confused why Rory was suddenly aging all those times.
Am I the only one who kept thinking - "Hang on a figgity-minute! Isn't Rory a pseudo-Gagner?" - 'Cause, you know, isn't that the Nestene Consciousness is? Thinking plastic? Which is why Rory is 2000+ years old? And - carrying on that thought line - could this be the beginning of the Nestene?
Slow Clap
You know, I've done that.
So - ah - let me see if I understand this.
Here is the real question: Who would win in a war - The Weeping Angles or The Silence?
Saying "Warren Ellis" made me think Sheppard would own the Spider Jerusalem role... Although, there is no way Transmetropolitian could be made into a movie - or even into a miniseries.
Did The Doctor have a diary too in the diner?
For those of you in the Bay Area who listen to Alice 97.3 — here is Hooman's review on the movie: