
For some reason, this comment has received a lot of notice over the past few weeks — perhaps it's the new Kinja system (which, by the way, cost me my commenting star... arg) ...who knows. But I wanted to post some newly relevant numbers in case people are still having this conversation and would like more current

Like you said - the comment is a few years old so I am trying to job my memory about where these particular stats came from.

"The manhattan project is the fucking bomb"...

Ain't nothing going to replace Planetary... I still pull out my collection every other month just to remind me how awesome it was...

No one has died of Old Age since 1951. In 1951, the laws governing death certificates were changed so that the doctors had to put a medical cause and proximate cause rather than simply "old age".

Did you miss how many times Banner told someone that he had a "secret"? That there was a way he had been able to control himself and not have a Hulk incident for over a year? If you missed all that - yea - you missed come exposition.

This is a TOTALLY different movie with an extra 34 seconds of unseen material that will revolutionize your interpretation of the Hulk problem! They also remastered the original opening credits and added voice-over commentary from the grips (they got both the Main and Dolly) and a paralegal during the climatic battle

Sorry - you are wrong. Trillion dollar deficits from defense spending? Nope. Trillion dollar deficits from welfare state programs.

Does Carl Jenkins have a less-well known brother named Leroy?

Did the artist really give that duck a camel?

I don't have "Showcase" as an option on my Video-Tubethingy. Is continuum a state-side show? it looked rather awesome.

Well. That's unfortunate. I was hoping for the Guild Heighliner... Basically, everything in life is better with a dose of Dune.

You are all wrong. It isn't the Citadel (full disclosure - never played Mass Effect).

What will Joss Whedon do next? Two words: Something New.

I would have thought that Thor would be seen as better than Hellboy or X2. I was highly impressed by what they pulled off. Although - and perhaps this is the flaw in my argument - all I really remember was what happened in Asgard and not so much what happened on earth... I remember it fondly though...

Pretty sure it is a Rob Liefeld creation. I swear, that guy (Liefeld) is like the Elder God of Darkness for comic art... Also... he can't draw a foot to save his life!

But at least we don't have this....

And we have that....

We have this vs that... (Images aren't working...)

My one complaint - my ONE complaint - was that Cap's costume never looked normal. It always stuck out as a costume. Even his leather-biker's costume from his movie looked normal after a while - this one? To bright and fake.