@Daveinva: Ummm... I like cool whhip... (Gotta say it like that too, cool whhip.)
@Daveinva: Ummm... I like cool whhip... (Gotta say it like that too, cool whhip.)
I am Sparticles.
@bonniegrrl: Is this some sort of Anti-Anti-Life equation?
@RandomThought: I think - I could be wrong, but I THINK - the fourth (and last) trade came out earlier this year in March. I know that I know own 5 Planetary trades, 4 comprising the 27 issues and 1 containing the cross over events.
@Darklighter: Sold out the world and didn't blink twice. And their ultimate defeat? Dropped from a very high place. Classic.
@Vroom-Socko: squish.
Huge props for the inclusion of the Four. I just finished my first reading of Planetary and I think my brain is still oozing from the infection of Pure Awesome. I am sure I will reread it many times over.
@CodenameV: I agree.
Westerfeld is a growing presence on my bookshelf.
@Evdor: I just read tonight that they are rebooting Care Bears because Hollywood execs believe the world is ready for a grim, gritty and realistic take on the Care Bear Stare.
@Barlow1983: BraveStarr - eyes of a hawk, strength of a bear, speed of a PUMA!
@killerswan: Pitch Black was brilliant in that way.
@Evdor: Didn't they scab up pretty boy Aaron Eckhart's face for that little film no one heard of that made no money... What was it called again...
@Razoky: I see it.
@Garrison Dean: R.O.A.C.H.: I gotta tell you, the actor Chris Hemsworth, won me as a fan forever with the line "Tiberius? No. That's awful."
@Malcontent79: It is the price I must pay to render this service to humanity.
@Bill-Lee: Well, in your case, I'll make you buy me dinner first.
@Garrison Dean: R.O.A.C.H.: My first born son was a year old when this came out. I went to it opening day, went straight home afterward and watched my boy sleep for a good 25 minutes...
I saw the premiere on Wednesday in San Francisco. It caused me to come up with a new ranking system for movies. Not stars or thumbs up or anything like that. I will now rank movies based on how many times I will slap you if I found out you wasted your time and money on it.
@CarbonatedFalcon: Who saves TJ? Honestly? Who does the surgery on TJ that allows her to loose her baby while saving her life?