
you know, the credits. the part that everyone pays attention to and does not skip. :P

The Royal Lucis Lifeguard Patrol?

Mancake is the best cake.

Unbutton that shirt, soldier!

Where do I get to sign up for a place where the official battle gear is a bare chested mancake?

The Hoodieverse needs to happen.

His wife held him back from further injuring his boyfriend, whom he assaulted and shouted homophobic slurs at...?

The swastika is a Buddhist icon. If it’s shown to be spinning clockwise, it’s the Nazi one. The Buddhist ones appears to spin counter-clockwise. In maps used in Eastern Asia, it is used to locate Buddhist temples. I think it’s been around for five thousand years, and it’s also a lucky emblem. In Chinese, it’s

It’s a symbol several thousands of years old and is a part of a couple religions that have a presence in Japan. I’d assume that not even an association with Hitler can destroy that kind of history.

It existed in Buddhist culture long before the Nazis came to be

The swastika was originally a sacred symbol in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism, in use for centuries. The Nazis appropriated it in 1920 and well, ruined the association for everyone.


Citadel has my vote for potentially one of the greatest expansions of all time. It had pretty much everything you could want from a quality DLC for an RPG like Mass Effect.

I just beat the campaign and feel betrayed by Solas. So now I want to get my revenge haha

Right? How can you beat a who’s-who guide to 11th-13th century Italian city-states?

I‘m sure the kids will be thrilled to identify all the cameos by the historical figures of Dante’s times.... I see trading cards - and the popes will be the most popular...