
Forgot Voyager’s subtle reflection in the ring system right before the eclipse sequence.

It’s easy to explain! You see, when a mommy and a daddy really love each other, and the mommy dies, and the daddy shacks up with a woman who looks just like mommy, but is actually an evil clone of mommy, they have a baby that is infected with a techno-organic virus which they send to the future to save him from, and

As an American, I must point out that it’s us that are terrible, not humans universally.

Surprise, surprise... America proving once again that it’s not ready to be counted among the more civilised countries of the world.

Psha like there was any other choice.

Did you read the same thing I did? The only ones that were completely wrong were in regards to release dates (UC 3 being the big one) and in regards to the number of F2P games coming. I was impressed hat almost every single one was right actually....

Careful boys, he’s crepuscular!

Easily one of gamings greatest moments

I agree, that and their conference of “No DRM and you can totally buy used games” practically set the world on fire.

Have you ever seen the MS fanboys talk about that moment? They use that moment as an example of how Sony is classless - and why they chose MS because they don’t take ‘cheap shots’ at their competition.

No, instead they just alienate Japanese and Indie developers with the douche-y, American business egos. Seriously,

It wasn’t even that hard for them. It was more like the hunter (Sony) was at home taking a bath not even thinking about hunting and the prey (Microsoft) walked into the hunter’s house seasoned itself and jumped into the stove. Hunter came down and feasted.

Salt to the open wound. Pure brilliance in any case.

Sony already had their mic drop moment on stage. Then after the conference, this video appeared and was all anyone could talk about.

God I loved that. It was literally like MS went, laid on its back exposing a soft belly, and dared someone to do something. For Sony, it was like wounded prey and a huge crowd behind them cheering them on.

I loved their shit eating grins so much.

Now playing

You totally forgot the best one from E3 2013:

No Sony 2013? When Sony literally shocked the World and and made MS change their policies by 180 degrees.?

It’s finally happening!