
True. How the industry (and the public) treats female employees can be pretty crap. I know I've mentally just bunched it all together under the pretense that the game industry is catering to a customer base that will praise you and curse you (or worse) in the same breath. They feel they're owed so much and have the

The problem is that if you're a *female* dev with a public presence, you may not have the luxury of not giving a shit about this stuff.

Jason even though you are an Unethical Game Journo Pros, (but mostly because you are a Man) I will be civil in the hopes of furthering polite discourse.

The accusations of the GamerGate trolls, even if actually true, are almost laughably pedestrian "offenses" that do not even remotely warrant the amount of outrage that results. "Ooooh, nepotism and award-fixing at a small indie games festival! Some developer's game got a better score because she was fucking the guy

I seriously have to wonder how many people who work or have worked on the dev side of things actually give any kind of a shit about this stuff. I'm in the latter crowd and all it does is remind me part of why I don't have the drive to work on video games any more... the public and press is full of dumbshits with more

Which gets us to the crux of this story: as usual, this sequence of events is far more convoluted and nuanced than Pinsof and various GamerGaters have suggested. To sum up the story of Fez's development as a tale of good vs. evil—the type of rudimentary sorting that GamerGaters have been so attracted to over the past

I can't wait to see the cos-play of male Cid in that outfit.


What about the socially/mentally challenged?

Now playing

The list appears to be missing this little subplot gem from Monty Python's Life of Brian:

Airframe is soooo good and really cinematic. There was a supposedly a John McTiernan film version in development with Holly Hunter or Sigourney Weaver attached that went nowhere. Then 9/11 happened. But I think in this era of Malaysia Airlines and the fact that Flight was a hit, it can be done.

I would love to see Prey on the big screen or even a TV miniseries. The opening of the book just grabs you and doesn't let go. The described visuals were so much better than most of the Crichton novels I've read. The scene with the electromagnet, the floating masses that don't quite look human, who to trust. I wish I

What kind of SF innovators are we talking about? Crichton made his claim to fame by doing exhaustive research for his stories, and you can see just how far-reaching he went by a wide range of topics. As much as I love a lot of other writers, very ever do quite as much digging into real-world/upcoming research. And

Oh, Timeline. Talk about a disappointing adaptation. And I say that as a huge Paul Walker apologist.

And I'd also love to see a better done "Sphere". Like if someone got Del Toro or 12 Monkeys-era Gilliam to direct it...