
*sigh* Goddamnit, Luke

Seriously? Innocence was a great film in its own right, quite independently from the first GitS. Arise, on the other hand, is mediocre as hell, and completely fails to find the spirit of its source material, and I fear the Hollywood adaptation will end up in the same pit.

I'm of two minds on this - Motoko has a cybernetic body and doesn't look especially Japanese, so it sort of makes the same time, she is supposed to be Japanese and I think you'd be much better off with someone like Rinko Kikuchi from Pacific's not like there's a deficit of badass Asian female

Non-Japanese playing Japanese role...

And so continues Scarlett Johansson's plan to star in every movie with the word "Ghost" in the title. I look forward to her remake of the 1990 film "Ghost."

Good for him. He made a fun game, he didn't rip anyone off. He's earned his money.

There are surprises every year in video games and 2014 was no exception. Some of the surprises from the last twelve

Sera is explaining to Cassandra exactly what "fisting" is after Cass read about it in the latest Swords and Shields adventure.

i worked on that. Its created from a simulation of water pouring down his shirt created in Realflow. You have each particle write a greyscale value of its location into the UVs each frame. add 255 of them together, compress each to one pixel. then in a shader on drake, we threshold through it, exposing only certain


How come nobody told me?! I need more time!

Whoa whoa whoa - talking about burying the lede.

"Tomorrow's my last day at Jez, y'all"