
Well hello there, Delly. I love seeing you unexpectedly. xx



Love you, Delly.

<3 <3 <3 (I had to look up how to do that)

'Later, as I imagined that Pleasure Deluxe Package, nestled snugly inside
its custom wood box, I got less wet. And when I listened closely to
“Baby Be Simple,” its song form obediently enacting its title, I
vomited, just a little bit, in my mouth. When I spat it in the sink, I
looked at my bile — it was millennial

Ha - look at the date: this article was first posted 369 days ago. Great job, AV Club!

I'm still happy. It took me too many years to walk away from a toxic marriage, and yeah, I could mourn for those lost years, but the feeling of freedom and relief - the release from future pain and bullshit - is still very good. I feel … more alive.
*sigh* and also - seriously, completely unrelated to the break-up -

It really is one of my favorite comedies.

Go. To. Sleep.

Make me!

Yep - Fred Astaire, Doug Fairbanks, John Housman, and various other geezers.

Dunno why I'm up so late and not sleeping. Heavy sigh.
I love you, I really do, but my insecurity keeps whispering to me 'you're not good enough'. Hon, I feel old and ugly. I'm tired and worn out. I'm overweight and more than a little bit chunky. I've birthed a baby, so I'm covered in stretchmarks. Hell, even that is

You said earlier that maybe you'd shelve it, that it wasn't right for these 'woke' times (your words, not mine, because I vowed not to say the w word anymore) but listen:
I'm pretty sensitive about the depiction of women in fiction, and your book didn't offend me. I spent some time today thinking about whether or not

I really like it, you know. I feel a little guilty about taking so long - but I'll definitely finish it before Blood Meridian, for sure. It's good, sweetheart. You can put a sentence together very nicely. xx

Shut your mouth Face/Off is a masterpiece.

I love you, Dellarigg. Scrolling back, looking for a place to hide a sweet message for you … two months! Feels like I've known you forever. Feels like just yesterday we got together. Feels so nice.

diamond in his beard

Rollo is the epitome of a dumb lunk, but hey, I like 'em big and stupid. And shirtless. And gorgeous. I'll be in my bunk.

It's been a long time since I loved a show this much - sweet and funny and sad and smart. I kind of want to hug all the characters (not Penelope or Dale).