
They are thinking ahead, in a few years California WILL be an island

That guy already bought a used one for three grand. I have no idea how.

I tried not paying for it once, men in blue outfits showed up to my house and shook me upside down until all my money fell out.

Meh, sounds good to me.

Are they though? I mean, really?

Yes, Tyler, I'm sure some of your best friends are VTOL... ◔_◔

Once again, Tyler's blatant hate for Vertical Americans shows its ugly bigoted face.

you want a piece?!

And what about:

You've never heard of "Ralph Gilles or Henrik Fisker or Ian Callum or Peter Schreyer or Tom Matano or Franz von Holzhausen"?

Yep! They have tiny dicks also!

No amount of cultural change is ever going to make this helmet *not* look extremely dorky.

Mavlick and Goose!

GoPlo mount!

Yes, but do they all get to play shirtless volleyball at said competition?

there is no practical use for your comment. Comments like that are only good for anti-hipster cred, not any actual discussion.

I'm not sure if you're trolling or if you're genuinely that ignorant.

Uh, no pictures of the long roof? C'mon Ballaban!