
fuck it, now i want a Toblerone

"We are proud to introduce the 2009 Acura NSX here at the 2015 Detroit Auto Show!"

The friggin wheels are made out of carbon fiber! Not even Pagani does that!

MPGs? Really?

Can you see it?

Volvo says "class-leading rear space was consistently requested by US customers", and while the S60 Inscription will remain a low-production vehicle, they claim nobody should worry about their premium sedan's country of origin because Volvo's Chinese plant has been built so that it can guarantee the same quality as

Not even close.

In side profile... the rear end looks too slender/tapered compared to the monolithic front.

Neat/sobering article. The Perry Class frigates have been the red-headed stepchildren of the U.S. Navy, starved for upgrades and improvements, similar to how the A-10 Warthogs are continually being offered up for sacrifice by the U.S. Air Force.

"Ghetto Navy"? I did 4 years on the USS Trenton, that makes this ship look like Rodeo drive in Beverly Hills

That's simply because if I start, I won't be able to stop. Just an uncontrollable fire hose of self-loathing.

Oh, haha how cute - they used # to mean sharp cuz, musically that's what # means. Now they just need to use an italicized b to mean you have a "flat" tire.

"we use to bullseye wamprats in my F-16 back home, and they're not much bigger than 2 meters"

All cops in india are badasses...

As someone who truly enjoys VW for giving me a solid driving dynamic and interior/exterior build quality I just can't seem to find from any other brand in my price range, it is incredibly frustrating to see how self-destructive VW (VWofA?) as a company is. Many VW fans will agree.

Right. It's no longer the least bit desirable.

This gif is fucking disturbing. I cannot unsee it.

Not sure a $50,000 car from a brand that most folks are not aware of, or are PAINFULLY aware of will generate a whole lot of profit. What they need is an entry-level car in the 3 Series/A4 range with RWD, a snappy V6, and a sexy body. I mean, is that such a complicated formula?

Nah. I'd rather shove the 731hp V12 from the Ferrari F12 under the hood of a Quattroporte Shooting Brake.