
And that’s what pisses alot of people off. Young families want to own a home but have to live all the way out in buttfuckville and drive to Vancouver to work. It’s bonkers. I can’t wait to see the bottom drop out of the real estate market.

I am guessing that construction, labor especially, is significantly cheaper in China than in the US. Largely due to much lower pay, but also much fewer costs for things like permitting, environmental protection measures, insurance and safety measures. There’s absolutely no way that would be a $200M project in the US.

It would make more sense to say he’d restructure our tax code so that Apple couldn’t hoard $35 billion overseas.

Clearly you’ve never been to China... Land of the worst traffic jams in the world? Honestly if I lived there the only place I’d want my vehicle to be was IN a parking lot. Vehicles come in many shapes and sizes...

I was looking for someone who’s super fun to take to a party.

This is China, it’d be a Sparro and Lemon Augustus.

This mall can do the kessel run in under 12 parsecs.

‘China is known for building ambitious infrastructure projects in order to artificially prop up their economy and stock market, and not finding humans to populate them after the fact.’

“It Spans About 70 Acres Across”

$200 million? That’s a rounding error on some of our failed DOD projects.

Gear, permission to be used as staging grounds, non-combat forces (medics, logistics)

Keep in mind the majority of those carriers were older and smaller than what we have now. With at least one being WW2 era.

6 months: the amount of time they made me eat primarily MREs

Seriously. Basically he’s saying “I’m going to stray into Iranian waters and start a shooting war because I’m a know-nothing ass-hat psychopath Obama-hating right winger. And I hate Obama.”

If you have such a pride problem that you would get yourself and your crewmates killed along with likely starting a war, you definitely don’t belong in the military.

Now playing

We might as well been asking the Iranians to take us out.

How would Fox News respond to this? ‘Hoo-rah these Murican patriot heroes saved our citizens from the evil Islamists yet again. Build a statue to these patriots!’”

Humorless? Have you seen any of the White House correspondence dinners? The man missed a career as a stand up comedian.

Extreme views on both sides are bullshit. I only trust one source to accurately report the news without any bias. I watch The Daily Show.

My wife had Fox News on last night when she went to bed. The woman and her two guests repeatedly talked about how embarrassing it was and how these soldiers were forced to do things they didn’t want to do and that it was basically an act of war.