
Why are you so proud to state, on Gizmodo, that you use adblock on Gizmodo? It's essentially saying, "Hey guys, keep writing stuff for me and never ever make any money off of me, even though by coming back and reading regularly it I show that I enjoy your content." Advertising is a huge chunk of Giz's revenue. I will

You might want to have your eyes checked.

Yeah, um... I'll take this:

Would not have ejected over the city.

"typical small Chinese city of over 14 million residents." WHAT!!! That is a huge city. That is worse than a plane going down in Manhattan or LA

If you zoom back just enough you get ......omg its Jesus

Counterpoint: Ads like this are necessary. I would love to see ads like this in the US during major sporting events. Too many people don't take this subject seriously enough.

More or less a story as old as time though, no?

Low bypass engines are a bigger fail.

Tupelov TU-4. It wasn't exactly a bolt-for-bolt copy, but pretty close.

China: Where things are made, not invented.

Why can't China come up with their own goddamn ideas? Like, an F-35 "clone" using propellers... Hey, the wars of yore were fought with P-51 Mustangs...

Then again, Russia copied the French Concorde design and our own Space Shuttles. No prizes for answering which of the two of those groups were successful.

10/10, would hoon

Chris Harris, Jalopnik writer.

*rich foreign exchange college kids

They're brittish, what would you expect?