
Smart guy, I bet he's poplar at work.

Love your articles, Tyler. Thanks!

It's Lupus.

Much like the CTSV coupe, it looks fat.

another person involved was none other than James Bond series author, Ian Fleming.

So...even by trying to start his own thing...this is still a negative? I am always confused by people who hate people who have money.

As much as I don't want to respond to this attention seeking crap, it needs to be known that you go to a "pubic" high school.

Well....I can't hate him for trying to be somewhat independent. Good on him for trying to break the common image of spoiled new money teens being too lazy to pay for their own luxuries.

You mean Seoul

In this instance "strait" is the correct spelling. In Washington state we have the "Straits of Juan De Fuca" which contains a group of islands in Puget Sound.

You've lost another submarine?

That Liberian tanker had me thinking more of a Spy Who Loved Me situation:

So if I am reading posts correctly one of the main features to Yosemite (Handoff) is basically inoperable to all of us who have pre-2011 mac's? I would say I'm surprised but we all know that would be a lie.

what were you expecting/hoping for?

I may not agree with him, but this is impressive writing for a boy of just 12.

And here's Jeremy's caring face:

Cleveland getting hit by a nuke might actually improve the place.

Congrats. I'll need a new Mac :(