Space and speed aren’t necessarily related. Two cars driving 100 mph bumper to bumper are still going the same speed as two cars driving 100 mph 100 feet apart.
Space and speed aren’t necessarily related. Two cars driving 100 mph bumper to bumper are still going the same speed as two cars driving 100 mph 100 feet apart.
Not to be outdone, Ford has filed a patent for a new type of crank start in the nose of the car.
That’s up there with fake gear shifts - a thing introduced to mimic a slow auto, whereas manufacturers of ICE vehicles have worked for decades to make the shift as fast and unnoticeable as possible.
As a vote of 1, intentionally building in inefficiency seems odd to me; I was all for the idea of a “Manual” EV at first but now even things like paddle shifters seem silly. Unless the motiv units require it, I would rather the focus be on lightweight tossability and feedback (which many of the EVs are lacking right…
Whether he wants to admit it or not, buying this monstrosity IS an attention seeking move.
I’m not one for wearing tinfoil hats, but this whole is smells like shit.
It just utterly amazes me the lengths that owners will go to “rationalize” their incredibly bad buying decisions...of all the EVs to choose from, buy that ergonomically awful polygon and pound it. Say whut?
Yeah, if he were whistleblowing on, say, a company that makes concrete pipes? I wouldn’t believe there’s a conspiracy.
It’s all pretty wild. Billions of reasons to keep getting defense contracts. Billions of reasons to keep selling airplanes.
I’m not normally one to argue in favor of nationalizing a business rather than regulating it, but if this man was murdered to stop him from telling everyone how they skirted the regulations...
Not a point worth dying for. Doubly so if you actually wanted to see people brought to justice, which this guy seemed to.
He got Epsteined, and like Epstein they won’t find the killer. The FBI should look into this not the local police.
This is silly. You could make an argument that everything on the planet is killing the environment. The idea is to harm it less and over time as little as possible. Basically what you are saying is, “All Cars Are Bad”. We know that Trains are much better for the environment.
Not to mention that a lot of EV trucks and SUVs have adaptative suspensions that can raise and lower ride height to improve highway efficiencies. Which cause them to camber out and/or toe out as they lower and eat up tires.
People were so excited to exercise the high amounts of available torque from a stop that they avoid talking about how that costs you elsewhere in the system. Simply clicking into the “economy” or “normal” mode should make the tires last much longer by not driving crazy amounts of torque through them at every stop.
I just checked the wear bars on my Model 3 yesterday. I am about due... after 51000 miles.
Build a car the size of a moon and make it accelerate like cannon fire. Of course people are going to complain about the most obvious outcome of those choices.
The EQS starts in the low $100k range so my sympathy is lean for Mr. Semel.
Because she’s the one putting the dirty laundry out there.