
Wait, that's not sarcasm, is it? I really want it to be a compliment so I can be really excited and enjoy my pizza.

I definitely thought she was trying to flirt (during their "debate") or she was way deep in self-parody or something, but either way she looked forced and hilariously awkward even for herself? I usually avoid watching her and I just don't know.

Please advise, based on main Gawker headline I think I should be feeling LOLdadfuckers, but based on this one, I should be feeling hollow and in despair. How I actually feel is irrelevant.

His girlfriend heard them having sex and was cool with it. Very non-fictional detail there. There only thing more super real would be if the gf had joined in the sex.

I had so many faces during this and a lot of them came with noises and I couldn't even begin to find gifs for it all. I really admire people who just bust out the right gifs.

For real? This comment is like half of my arguments with my fiance at night or when one of us is high.

Ugh, this drove me INSANE when I worked at a shelter years ago. We had people surrendering recent declaws (not originally from the shelter) to us, wondering why their perfect young adult cats had litter box or excessive biting issues. Which they usually didn't want to take any time to investigate or resolve. Back

ADOPT THE KITTY! It's not stealing when it's an awesome thing to do*

This is a great article and everything, but I'm still laughing at the top, "filed to: ASSBUTT." Is it ok for me to be laughing this much at that? As an adult? I just realized I haven't checked if this tag has been used, and what else goes in ASSBUTT.

I understand and hope your stress level goes down, because I'm so at that point. Years ago my dad made me think - on Christmas day - that Alan Rickman had died, because he confused him for another actor. Your comment makes me feel a little sniffly because Mr. Feeny is alive, and Alan Rickman is alive, and also Betty

This was going to be my reply! I dated this guy 7 years ago when I was a baby feminist, and he always said females and it rubbed me the wrong way but I didn't know why. He eventually became an abusive dickhole, but w/e. To this day, whenever someone uses "females" like this, I just repeat it back to them and they get

This thread makes me think of when I was 16-17ish and everyone had Live Journal or other blog bios that were like

That is damn well not what these men actually want to say, deep in their Christian unborn baby-saving hearts. They want to be able to say "You're not having an abortion, and that's final. I'M THE MAN, RAWR!!!!" And they want the laws to back them up. "Let's" not pretend "we" don't understand that.

You're right in that it is kind of a thing, for men and women, to laugh at dick cutting off jokes. But I definitely don't see it as a symptom of some misandry epidemic. God I never thought I'd use that word in a serious context.

I wonder if you have it mixed up, if your cynical side is actually your rational side and your rational side is your hopeful/idealistic side. Then again, I'm feeling overly cynical myself right now. This whole thing is disgusting and I feel sick for everyone who cares for her.

Yes to this whole comment. Showering becomes a big ordeal when I'm in that state, and it's pushing annoying as it is because I have long, thick hair that takes ages to wash/dry. Luckily, my hair and skin don't get oily quickly. I motivate myself to keep it routine by blasting my favorite music on a small speaker in

I'm laughing so hard at this. I have a thing with hypothetical questions and not allowing people to cop out of answering. As in, "Would you rather do this, this, OR DIE? You HAVE to pick one now!"

Could be because they aren't seen as beautiful, sexy, fragile, feminine, ladylike, or whatever other characteristics helped define their outward personalities as young women. So they stop giving a fuck and let it all out, no shame at sounding ugly or crude or flat out mean. Not to excuse the behavior when it becomes

I have strong feelings about this oh my god. I bought cookie butter from Trader Joe's for the first time a few months ago. Promised to only eat one tsp that day; snuck about 4 tbsp throughout the night. The next day, the jar was almost empty (from about half empty), and in a panic, I accused my fiance of stealing my

The hesitancy is there because male actors have more power to choose to say no (for understandable reasons, maybe) and still get jobs. I can't imagine many actresses "nixing a scene" because their boobs didn't look large or flattering enough in it.