
Yeah, ok, it's always "the Muslims" do this, "the blacks" do that, they need to take responsibility, they represent themselves poorly, etc. blah blah shouty racism. Then, between hundreds upon thousands of spoken and typed words of this anti-logic, some type of disclaimer: "I'm aware of that one fine upstanding Muslim

It's totally worth watching. Having chronic insomnia sucks, but transparent is one of many awesome shows/movies I'm glad to have found (and had time to watch) during sleepless nights.

There's a pretty wide gap between the type of person who would say "Hell yeah I'd torrent 10 terabytes of TV shows and smoke a fuckton of weed, BAKED FOR LIFE" and the type who would use all their get out of crime free cards on rape. Not that these types never intersect, of course.

Betty White and Jason Momoa are two of my favorite people ever; Conan not so much. I would still kill to be in a room with both of them, or at least see this. Going to look it up now, thanks!

I think it's somewhat like referring to a "Nice Guy boyfriend," where NG has the obvious negative connotation, not referring to guys who happen to be nice. In this case, I read it as men who say they're not feminist, but humanist or egalitarian, in an attempt to define feminism as something that strips rights from men

Too many conversations I've had about objectification: "But superheroes and their muscles! Male objectification!"