And that end credits scene with him, with the jokes and laughs. He’ll do great as Joker.
And that end credits scene with him, with the jokes and laughs. He’ll do great as Joker.
Christopher Heyerdahl looks like the platonic comic book ideal Joker. The face shape, the eyes, the fucked up smile.
I hate saying this - but had this been an attractive white girl, this would be splashed across the national news, teams of volunteers would have been out searching this last month, and we’d have serious people, asking serous questions about what happened.
More reliable than that Audi that's for sure.
Hope you don’t end up with bone cancer.
Considering that ‘normal life’ is gone and will never be again, you should get over yourself, and think about other people, perhaps even your loved ones, your family? in addition to your ‘healthiest person alive’ award that you self awarded, right?
And I’ve been intubated, and let me tell you, it’s no fun, no matter…
The vaccine does not prevent transmission, nor does it prevent infection rates, it just lessens the chance of hospitalization.
Truckers blocking roads seems to be rather car related, no?
No one is telling you “you have to get it” though. If you choose not to get it, great, but your choice means you have to deal with the consequences of your choices.
Oh nice, another idiot that’s complaining about Jalopnik. Seems like a vocal minority of posters dedicated to screaming “NO POLITICS!!!” every time they see a Jalopnik post THEY DO NOT AGREE WITH.
Just stop reading. I tell people this all the time. If you don’t like something, stop participating in it.
The only “good” news is that a lot of them ARE getting covid and dying off from their own ignorance.
Truckers were never the catalyst. The entire thing was organized by white supremacists and Nazis.
They’re like 99.99% the wrong colour for that treatment....
Stealing food from a homeless shelter, Swastikas/Confederate flags, defacing monuments dedicated to our war dead and veterans, and general hooliganism.
“So they blocked public roads during a lockdown? I’m no civil unrest expert, but I feel like that accomplished nothing.”
So I assume the right-wingers who are all for running over protesters are also fully in support of bulldozing these trucks out of the way with the drivers inside, right?
Eh, they made sure homeless people couldn’t eat, so they really stuck it to them, huh?
Yeah you pretty much throw out all good will once you break out the swastikas..
Ooh tough guys - in reality too chickenshit to get a prick.
The ppl i always say are the dumbest people are at it again. Fuck these dumb fucks. I hope they all die of covid.