for what it’s worth I can’t stand the “left: as you call them, but can gaurantee you were never one of them.
for what it’s worth I can’t stand the “left: as you call them, but can gaurantee you were never one of them.
“Nothing to do with race.”
“I’m just a right wing nut job, currently talking about Muh Freedoms!”
Sure, sure, nothing about race, I’m sure they don’t even see race, these truckers, flying their Confederate flags, posting their creeds about Canada for Canadians, etc. All about their autonomous bodies, not connected to…
Alright dude. I’m a radical socialist. I worked for both Bernie campaigns and also worked for Obama. Wrong dude. Start thinking for yourself and get off the internet so you stop engaging with people this way. It’s not normal.
As someone in Ottawa dealing with this mess, fuck you. These assholes don’t even know what they want.
I follow a simple rule: Don't trust a far-right separatist party from Alberta. It's a good rule.
Shut up nerd
No credible source is saying it was “made in a lab.” It may have been being studied in the lab, or found in a specimen collected for the lab, but that’s the same thing as being “created.”
I don’t agree to participate in a medical experiment in which a deadly, novel virus spreads through the population like wildfire, rather than taking simple, proven measures to slow the spread of disease, such as wearing a covering over my mouth and nose when indoors to prevent respiratory droplets from spreading…
As someone who is constantly told I am an emotionless robot, I guess I agree. I thought that shit was funny. It is obvious he feels emotions. It is just his nerd copium to say that because he is embarrassed.
the show has become much better since he left
Which to be fair is a better approach...
If more people interpreted Catholicism in the way you do, it might be a more popular religion. Individual Catholics can interpret and practice Church doctrine in the way they see fit, but the diversity of opinions among Catholics (both congregants and clergy) doesn’t change the hierarchical structure of the Church or…
This is absolutely wrong.
It’s also worth distinguishing between the Catholic Church and “Catholics.” To cite maybe the most glaring example, Church doctrine is about as opposed to contraception as it can be, and is openly aware that its position is rejected and ignored by basically all American Catholics. More Catholics agree with the…
Well that’s great that there turns out to be an organization called Catholics for Choice. Tell them they need a better publicist.
Counterpoint when it comes to school shootings, which is what he’s actually referring to in this article”: “The U.S. has had 1,316 school shootings since 1970 and these numbers are increasing. 18% of school shootings have taken place since the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School in December 2012.” https://www.thetr…
That doesn’t make active shooter drills and threats any less terrifying for students. The first active shooter drill I witnessed was eye opening.
Remember, folks: it’s all about controlling and oppressing women. Everything else is a smokescreen.
Yeah, we’re all very concerned about the toll that constant fear will have on kids’ development, so we’re helping them by -checks notes- scaring them shitless