Why are we worried about justice for Maya? She’s a criminal. Her dad was a criminal, despite being a good dad. Her “uncle”, whoever it turns out to be, is a super-criminal.
Why are we worried about justice for Maya? She’s a criminal. Her dad was a criminal, despite being a good dad. Her “uncle”, whoever it turns out to be, is a super-criminal.
Ah, they suck.
“Nothing stops people who want to wear a mask from still doing so. N95s are readily available now. If you have a lower risk tolerance, that’s fine. Just don’t make me do the same.”
How have we gotten this far in and still have some not understanding that the mask isn’t primarily to protect the wearer from inhaling the…
1) Immuno-compromised people still exist.
If I fly anywhere in the immediate future I’m not going to eat or drink. There’s still way too many anti-vaxxers and I can’t think of a better place to get sick than on a plane.
Nothin’ better than some crusty old prick fetishizing four thousand pounds of 6mpg unreliability that merely manages to be loud and look cool-ish.
Thank you! This is exactly what this gaslighting asshole is doing.
I think it would be better if everyone just ignores him, that’s the surest way to make him go away.
Then he can only have circlejerks with the other racist apologists on here.
So your the one person that didn’t’ say anything on this topic until after the verdict and choose this thread to share your wisdom you saved up, and you still managed to make the first thing you say complete Bullshit. Amazing.
You realize most issues with your posts isn’t that no one is struggling to understand what you’re saying, it’s us failing to understand WHY you are saying. Why be THAT guy who is like “well he went to Kenosha because he had family there” “It wasn’t that far, you know” “He got the gun in Wisconsin, and it’s…
So he got a gun after crossing statelines. It’s okay ya’ll! The gun came second.
You did defend Rittenhouse...In an earlier post you defended why he went to Kenosha, which was absolutely insane.
So you went from “this is my first comment, I’ve said about this anywhere” to really doing a hard defense of Rittenhouse. Say what you will about the trial, about the fact that this was self-defense(which, disgustingly, in this country, this was considered ...) but to defend him BEING THERE.
I think the point is “white guy with gun gets okay, black kid with toy gun gets killed”. It’s the larger narrative here. People defending Rittenhouse(which you are doing, sorry) are seeing things in such small way, but not looking at the larger picture at all. Yes, her jury comment wasn’t the best but I…
Lick more boots, fascist
That doesn’t make it any more legal.
I love these gimmick accounts. Now do Gavrilo Princip!
Don't bother, it's an account shared by some housemates in Massachusetts. These posts are part of their elaborate masturbation ritual.