I can’t find any part of this that’s a good idea.
I can’t find any part of this that’s a good idea.
Let’s face it, the whole damned country is “Florida”. Florida Man just has a better publicist than most.
Often in severe accidents it is luck or a guardian angel that saves you...
Crushing the Unions isn’t working out the way they planned.
Bullshit. Worker productivity is way up in the last fifty years, but their portion of the earnings way down. The bloat is with the parasites skimming all the cream, and that's where it needs to be taken back from. 'Same as it ever was.'
Fuck this. Every other first world country has no problem paying workers fair wages and costs are far from higher. I can go to Europe and make 22 bucks an hour working at McDonalds with 5 weeks paid vacations and better benefits, and the cost for the food is roughly the same
Sure, and as soon as the federal government directly intervenes you’ll be screaming about government overreach or socialism or any other lunacy.
Well the bad news is that you’ve reached about 3 dozen people with this message and it’s looking like Christmas is proceeding like normal, so maybe we could also just pay the people responsible for shipping this stuff a worthwhile wage.
He’s the weirdest person on here, and that’s saying a lot.
What is the ever loving fuck do they have to do with the problem?
Biden and the idiots in Congress
It’s having a profound effect on me and my family. We’ve realized we just don’t really need anymore “stuff”. We’re not doing presents this year and will spend the money on a vacation. Sold a car and didn’t buy another one. Working from home and we don’t really need multiple cars since my wife doesn’t work. …
I interpreted the aforementioned greed as the greed on the part of the companies paying truckers low wages for hard work that our supply chain is dependent on.
Not to mention the endless shifting of risk to the workers. No we won’t cover your reasonable expenses. You work for yourself, not us so you figure it out. This isn’t unique to trucking either. You’re right. If they keep screwing the little guy over and over, they’ll be lucky if all they do is walk away.
You replied to the wrong thing, and probably misreading the intent of the headline.
I doubt that Mercedes meant it that way. The greed is from the companies that hire drivers and refuse to pay them enough to keep them on the job. The independent contractor bullshit also gives the drivers no security, and low pay + no job security = everyone who can work elsewhere telling the employers to eat shit.
It’s as if generations of wage suppression across the entire economy are suddenly being blown apart by a collective refusal to take any more of it.
Your take is pretty much spot on with mine. I owned a 93 wagon, and it was the single worst car I ever owned- including the ones that never even ran. I loved it, but it didn’t love me back. It sure had an affair with my wallet though. They’ll stay on the road if you keep putting money into it, but so will other…
I owned a W124 260E for a few years in the mid 90's.
If price implies value, then yes it does. Value is what you can get for your money; If you can get similar specs at a lower price, this is not a good value. People rarely car shop in a vacuum - most cars have direct competition(this one is no exception) and people cross shop competition based on value all the time.