
Getting kicked out of the scouts for questioning a politician, kind of the definition of fascism.

That was the best episode of Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader ever.

Just a note that the OP there is a hard-right libertarian. You know, for context.

I am a 31 year old atheist now, but I will never ever forget the middle aged southern baptist preacher who, while probably super uncomfortable, had the patience to answer a precocious young girl’s questions about the supernatural and the improbability of the afterlife. He was open-minded and encouraged me to think. He

If you can be “owned” by a fifth grader, as an adult whose entire job it is to be prepared, you need to re-examine your life choices.

This legislator simply can’t handle the fact that this kid is her intellectual superior.

Oh look, another useless elderly politician that has grown too old and doesn’t know how things work and has been schooled by a child. When a child is smarter than you are, it’s time to retire.

And Ames got a more thorough civics education in the past day than most any student does during their entire K-12 curriculum.

This was the perfect response. Have a star.

if we are to believe these actresses’ allegations part and parcel (which, believe me, i do. im not defending Weinstein); who is to say we cant believe a guy like kevin smith or any number of directors/actor/actresses that claim to not have known about said allegations?

I think far too many are just concern trolls. You’ll also have plenty of virtue signalers, demanding purity in the hopes of being equated to it.
You’ll find very few who honestly demand absolute retribution and honestly care about the victims. I know it’s a very cynical view.

You really live up to your screen name.

If the president of the United States needs a translator to speak in English, he needs to not be the president.

By tomorrow they’ll have some poorly thought out lies to vomit out as counter-messaging, no doubt from propagandist in chief Sarah Huckabee Sanders. It will convince no one but his devoted cultists, and eventually it’ll be disproven but it won’t matter. It never matters.

Uh, they still have free health care, better labor support, and legal weed. I could deal with these type of fuckheads easier in that situation.

You raise a cogent and clear-headed point. How the heck DID he manage to come in such settings, without talking half an hour?

I’d love to read what she had to say there, because that would take about a minute rather than the four minutes this trend towards video in blogging wants to take from my brief mortal life.

Don’t worry they will get hired at another police station somewhere else.

Again, this will only be allowed insofar as it doesn’t threaten the business of film making. Now that you’re outlining clear threats to the way business is done — and even to the very reason bookkeeping is done the way it is in Hollywood — you’re about to watch what one of the world’s most efficient propaganda outfits