Charging off the grid during non-peak times is likely still more efficient than individual gasoline engines and the infrastructure they require.
Charging off the grid during non-peak times is likely still more efficient than individual gasoline engines and the infrastructure they require.
Don’t like it? Don’t buy one!
To be fair, it is a lot easier to shift the burden of clean energy to the grid and not to each and every individual car. So, your energy “could” conceivably be clean, depending on where your power comes from. That can never be the case for a gasoline-powered car.
Of course, you then descend into a rabbit hole about the…
The answer to your question is yes, believe it or not, sometimes issues overlap into multiple categories. And you are correct. Everyone is within their right to be an asshole, none of any of this is about rights. His actions (rights he’s using) have reactions (people who disagree with him may want to know his opinions…
It’s funny you mention the DMV, as that when this was discussed, the group I was with went full 80s comedian routine on said organization.
And nothing about timing made her throw in the bullshit framing of:
Also Santa Claus is white and black people deserve to be brutally killed by police and women who are sexually harassed and assaulted are probably asking for it. Gotta leave it at that. We’ll be right back and our next segment will include a prolonged discussion of high waisted jeans.
On the positive side though... it’s the prettiest Honda Accord I’ve ever seen
I think America in general is mentally ill.
Our gun rate death is dramatically higher than other industrialized nations. Our crazy person rate is not.
Oh, shorten it. Nothing will be done. This country looked at a pile of dead children in Sandy Hook and couldn’t be bothered to do a damn thing about it.
No. Once nothing happened after Sandy Hook, it was basically set in stone that we don’t care about gun control. The ability to rain automatic fire for 15 seconds is more important that anyone’s life.
That’s because he’s lying all the time. He has ZERO sympathy.
If the GOP didn’t care when 20 children were killed at Sandy Hook they never will.
We’re reading about fifty more Americans freshly slaughtered by the latest gun-nut spree, and you’re in here promoting your disgusting dumb-ass hobby.
I say this with all seriousness, this is honestly not a joke: the reason he cannot communicate sincere human emotions about things that happen to other people is because he doesn’t feel any emotions in those circumstances.
If mass shootings are the price we pay to live in a “free” society, then tinnitus is the price you pay for wanting hot and cold running guns.
This is a feature, not a bug. They didn’t “miss a deadline”; they waved at it as it flew by.
Republicans are pro-control. A child is a burden to those who seek an abortion. The Republicans wish to keep that burden in place (since its mostly poor people anyway and women, which to them barely registers on the human-meter), and should the child die or be mistreated because the mother couldn’t support it? Well,…