The 1st amendment, in particular, seems to be pretty unpopular these days.
You need to ask yourself a question: how can supporting this incident sell more guns?
If only those signs and businesses had been armed; nothing like this would have happened.
Don’t worry. NRA won’t defend this horrible behavior. The culprits appear to be non-white.
They’re doing that. They’re not doing it enough for you. Clearly, any coverage at all that doesn’t scream loudly about the allegations, regardless of connection to the film or event at hand, is not enough for you.
you should probably avoid social media and the internet for a while. Showing outrage at someone like Katie over this is ludicrous. Calling her an enabler is fucked up. Multiple people are here telling you this right now. For someone who stated: “I’ll take the one who can listen” you sure don’t like to listen yourself.…
What reflecto is saying is that if you write a story about an honors student at Penn State, you must also bring up Joe Paterno... because nothing can be separated ever.
You’re still conflating everything into one big indiscernible mush.
Of all the writers you could have called out regarding your complaints...
i used to be better... too many idiots on the net now, so can’t really be sure what is sarcasm or pure ignorance.
or maybe most normal thinking humans are able to separate all of that and understand that there are different things happening there. It IS being covered extensively, even if you want to willfully ignore it because you have a salacious appetite for more. People who have been involved with him for a long time are…
We’ve covered it extensively in newswire.
Just to clarify: you’re saying Katie Rife is not progressive or feminist or woke enough for you.
“The truth is, I am kinda done with politics for now. You know why.”
Take it from me, “I made a mess and now I get to opt out of cleaning it up” is pretty standard white lady behavior.
When you’re old enough to have put some time in, in any field, maybe you’ll realize that managers can’t just replace people randomly and not have someone further up the food chain shit on their head for an under-performing team. It’s a sure fire way to find yourself in the unemployment line, as a manager.
You show a complete and total lack of comprehension on the skills required to work a “computing job”, and where one can acquire them. I’ve been doing them non-stop on the IT side for over two decades, at a highly proficient level and I’m a 1st semester college dropout. There is no valid correlation between the number…
Now? After everything so far, NOW is when you first have the idea?!
This motherfucker right here....