I could bet a dollar on a conviction in Vegas and I’d own the house if he actually got convicted. That’s about how likely it is.
I could bet a dollar on a conviction in Vegas and I’d own the house if he actually got convicted. That’s about how likely it is.
No one said what you are implying.
What you don’t understand is black people have to plead for our humanity.
No, actually there are studies that prove that there is a clearly defined empathy gap that white people (and sadly other PoC) have toward non-whites.
There is nothing to be optimistic about.
He will not be convicted. White people do not have empathy for blacks.
Great, now let’s see if one of them actually gets convicted for once.
I think this is just the beginning.
As jobs and climate crisis hits in full during the mid century, vagrancy is going to grow. Along with it the ability of municipalities to deal with it will diminish as tax rolls fall.
You can bust on the GM van as “scrap” but a huge fucking pipe landed on it from 50' up while the dude wasn’t driving at highway speeds....and the driver walked away! I’d say that van is pretty badass...hardly scrap.
Overheard at the coffee machine at work this week from someone who has an immediate family member in the force: “let’s be honest, 90% of being a cop is playing solitaire in the cruiser.”
Wait, you think a cop’s job is to actually investigate crimes and protect people? A bit ambitious, isn’t it?
Because as a police chief he know how cops don’t like to do actual police work. They’re just there for perks, respect, and superb overtime that consists of sitting in their car during roadwork.
“Our officers could have just taken a report and be done with it.” Wow, they actually went above and beyond and went after the guy? Why is the police chief so proud of that? That’s their fricking job!
The real crime here is that the video was not shot in landscape mode.
it’s just too many miles for $7,500, sure if you can show me some documentation on the swap and also show me the clutch is reasonably new but otherwise I see a $3,500 car trying to get double because it’s a bratt and that’s not something I’m paying double for, ergo CP
Meaning it’ll run forever.
Because it is plainly obvious that they were bought out by the automakers. They don’t just represent the automakers, they represent ALL of the public. The automakers have a LONG history of ganging up on ANY competition that threatens their happy little world of not giving a damn about their customers and putting out…
If you take money to act against the public interest, I believe you are subject to the backlash from the public.
Completely missed the mark there. If you aren’t gay and don’t like LGBTQ people or whoever then fine, no one cares. But don’t try to force, through laws, your beliefs onto others. Liberals are never asking for a law to be passed to force people into accepting LGBTQ people or not. All we want is for you hateful…
It’s important to remember that the Southern Baptist Convention, in the 19th century, was part of the institutional fabric of slavery and white supremacy. This religion follows the culture, not the other way around. Southern baptists were walking around claiming God endorsed them while they were whipping enslaved…
Question: You say “For me, the whole LGBT/etc. is an insult to your parents and family lineage...”, does this mean that if one chose to not procreate, or to remain celibate, or has no sexual leanings either way you believe they are also insulting their family lineage? Follow up: what is the insult? How is it…
There is no collusion between the Trump administration and the Russians.
Most rapes aren’t rape.
Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.